
Friday, May 1, 2020

May Stamp of the Month Blog Hop - Time to Celebrate

If you have come here from Alyson's Blog, you are on the right track!!  

This month, we will be featuring the EXCLUSIVE May 2020 SOTM stamp set called "Time to Celebrate".

This blog hop is a great big circle, so you can START HERE & work your way around to the many consultants on this “hop”! If you get lost along the way, you’ll find a complete list of PARTICIPATING CONSULTANTS by clicking HERE

This month we have many Close To My Heart Consultants that will be sharing items they have created using this month’s stamp set.  So, sit back & enjoy your tour as you click on the link at the end of each post to see what EVERY consultant has created.

Here is this month's EXCLUSIVE stamp set, that you can get for ONLY $5 with EVERY $50 CTMH purchase in May 2020. 
I LOVE that we have an EXCLUSIVE stamp set available at a DISCOUNT each & every month!!

I get SO EXCITED when I see new stamp sets with words and sayings, so you can IMAGINE how happy I was to see this "Time to Celebrate" stamp set!  I can't wait to see what my papercrafting friends come up with when using this stamp set! 

Here is the card I created today....

Let's take a look at some close-up details :) ...but FIRST----

In case you haven't heard ---today MAY 1st---was the release of our NEWEST bi-monthly mini book! Make sure to check with your consultant about ALL the goodness inside!!

May is a MONTH to Celebrate,  as it is International Scrapbooking Month!! Yay! We papercrafters, LOVE to celebrate!!

I used papers from our EXCLUSIVE Blue Skies collection for the floral Cricut cuts of this card. 
Can you see the Clear Embossed patterned design on my cut out flowers & leaves? 
That coating & design is already printed on the cardstock when it arrives from CTMH!! WOW!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!

---AND---Exciting news!!  

CTMH has just RELEASED 2 new mini Cricut collections---exclusive and ONLY available from YOUR Close To My Heart Consultant!!
I used the NEW "Cricut Stitched Flower" collection for the flowers & leaves. (I think I may need a new blade in next time, so it can cut those beautiful flower centers a bit better ;) )  

All of these shapes above for ONLY $9.99!!

  Did you see the TAG tucked behind those flowers----drum roll please!!  This tag is apart of our NEW Tags & Tabs Thin Cut collection!
I cut the tag from our new Mix-In paper pack....take a closer look by clicking on the photo, and you'll see the Mink striped, pattern design on the tag. 

The background of my card was created with another NEW item :) ....yes...I was having FUN!! LOL!! 

Take a look at what our NEW Quilted Embossing folder can do!! Lovely!!  
I ran Lagoon Cardstock through my Cuttlebug machine twice ---one time using the "true" Lagoon colored side.  The second time I used the backside of the Lagoon cardstock -- the lighter side.  

I then took my handy Micro-tip scissors, and cut out every other square and pasted it on top of the coordinating square to get my two-toned "quilt". :) 

To finish off the card, I took Sapphire Cardstock and used my Stitched Rectangle Thin Cuts to get the beautiful stitched frame on the edge around the card base. 


I hope you are enjoying this blog hop & are getting a lot of creative inspiration for when you create with your OWN Stamp of the month stamp set. 

Now – it’s time to head over to check out Haley's blog to see what CRAFTY item she has created using this stamp set!

Be sure to visit ALL the Consultants at their Blogs to get some GREAT crafting ideas!!  We always love to hear any feedback you’d like to share as well, so feel free to leave a comment below. 

The May Stamp of the Month (SOTM) –
 ”Time to Celebrate” – is ONLY available until May 31, 2020.

It can be yours at the retail price of $18.95 OR pay ONLY $5 when you purchase $50 in CTMH products this month!!!  

Contact your CTMH Consultant to answer any questions you may have. (or click here if you need a consultant )  

Blessings to you for a WONDERFUL day!!!


  1. Goodness, I love your color combo and all the texture!

  2. So many beautiful details. You pulled out all the stops. :)

  3. Love your beautiful card Krista....and especially you taking the time to give so many details on the construction...thanks!!

  4. Wow - this is gorgeous! Love those flowers and may just have to get that cartridge.

  5. Love, love, love! Fabulous card! Did I say I love it?! I have to bump that Cricut collection up on my wish list.

  6. Love the embossing! Such beautiful, bright colors!

  7. Amazing Card. Love the quilted embossing!

  8. Love this! You really combined a lot into this card without overpowering anything. Well done!!

  9. I love the beautiful quilted look of this card!

  10. Beautiful card! I really like that quilted embossed background.

  11. Great card, showing sotm and lots of new products.


Thanks for taking time to make a comment!
Blessings to you for a BEAUTIFUL day! :)