
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May/June 2021 New Catalog - New Product Blog Hop

Welcome to this 
Special Blog Hop!

Today, we will be featuring our EXCLUSIVE New PRODUCT from  the Close To My Heart May/June Mini Catalog that was released on May 1, 2021.  😍😍

There are so MANY beautiful new items!!  If you'd like to take a look at BOTH of our current Idea Books - please CLICK HERE.   

Now, to continue with this special Blog Hop....

If you have come here from  Miss Carrie's  Blog, you are on the right path!   If you get lost along the way, you’ll find the complete list of participating consultants by clicking HERE

This month we have  Close To My Heart Consultants sharing items they created using these FABULOUS new products.   This hop is simple to do - just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! Wahoo!! 

Here we go!

Oh---what a BEAUTIFUL, new Catalog!! 
I decided to create a card today, with possibly my FAVORITE Stamp & Thin Cut set in this book...let's take a look at my cards & then I'll explain WHY it's my favorite. 😉 

This card design comes from the Hillside Cottage Cardmaking Workshop kit
The card on the left is Card Design #3 in the workshop. 
The card on the right is my Krista's Crafty "changed up" version of this card design!😊

Did you know❓❓
Many of our Cardmaking Workshop kits at Close To My Heart, INCLUDE an Exclusive stamp & Thin Cut set!!  So yes...this stamp set IS ONLY available with the purchase of this kit----BUT---it's so worth it! 😉

Let's take a closer look! 😍

I ADORE what CTMH has done in this new catalog with a few of the stamp sets. 
They have created stamp sets where you can stamp BEAUTIFUL layered floral clusters, and you will not have to cut out the entire grouping by hand!😮
CTMH has created a Thin Cut (metal die) to cut out the finished shape! 
All we need to do is look at the enclosed package insert for ideas on how we'd like to stamp our flowers! 💗

Here's a Close-up look at one of these flower clusters....

How BEAUTIFUL is this?!?! 

I used 3 ink colors ---Paprika, Flamingo & New England Ivy.  
To get the two tones of pinks...I just "stamped off" my flower on scrap paper before applying it a 2nd time as my flower on the cut piece.  This is called 2nd Generation stamping.

The "shading" behind the flowers, is the Tattered Rose Distress Oxide ink! Isn't it neat how it "highlights" the cluster of flowers?!

My FAVORITE thin cut in this set---is the STITCHED LINE! I ADORE this thin cut & love the ways it can be used!! 
Can you see WHERE I used this stitched die on this card?  😉

I am ALWAYS amazed at what such a "small" touch can do to the beauty of the project!! 

I also chose to add some Black Shimmer Trim to "my" changed up card as well.  I love the touch of glitter & shine it brings to this card! 

Maybe you'd like to see the LOVELY Hillside Cottage Cardmaking kit
It SURE is a beauty & includes so many things---all for ONLY $29.95 US!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! :) 

Now it's time to "Hop" on over to Brandi R's Blog to see her beautiful creation!


Be sure to visit ALL the Consultants at their Blogs to get some great crafting ideas and other fun ideas!   We LOVE to hear any feedback you’d like to share as well, so feel free to take a moment & leave a comment.

Contact your CTMH Consultant 
(or click here if you need a consultant :)) 
so that you can get in on the FUN and get your OWN copy of the NEW May/June 2021 CTMH mini Idea Book!!! 

Blessings to you for a WONDERFUL day!!!



  1. These are very cute - love the mix of pink and paprika!

  2. I love these cards and how you changed it up. I ordered this set and can't wait to play with it because of how you can stamp the image with out masking or needing to fussy cut to get it how you want it.

  3. I love your cards! So cute and colorful.

  4. These cards are so pretty. I love how the stamp set is designed.

  5. Your cards are so beautiful. I love everything about them!

  6. Oh my, love this card set! I will have to add it to my list. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful cards, I love them all!

  8. Love, love, love, love, LOVE!!!! And thanks for the changed up version of this card kit. I was struggling to come up with new ideas because I love the given versions so much. Nice problem to have, I guess. :)


Thanks for taking time to make a comment!
Blessings to you for a BEAUTIFUL day! :)