
Stamp of the Month

Build up your inventory of Stamp Sets by taking advantage of our WONDERFUL Stamp of the Month (SOTM) program!!!

You have 3 ways to purchase this EXCLUSIVE stamp set EACH month...
1.  Purchase the D-size stamp set for the retail price of $18.95
  2. Purchase $50 in CTMH products and then you are eligible to purchase this stamp set for ONLY $5.00
3. Join the Close To My Heart CUSTOMER VIP Program and get it for FREE!! 

CLICK HERE to see THIS month's EXCLUSIVE stamp set!

PLEASE NOTE - Each stamp set can ONLY BE PURCHASED during that month!!  It is not available after or before that actual month.

If you'd like to see some MORE artwork using EACH Stamp of the Month stamp set...make sure you COME BACK to my BLOG on the FIRST DAY of each Monthwhere I am apart of a group that creates artwork using these stamp sets!