UPDATE: here are a few more ways to earn tickets :)....
Holiday OPEN HOUSE Launch & All Day Crop Event

Holiday OPEN HOUSE Launch & All Day Crop Event
in New Holland, PA – at New Coven Menn Fellowship
COME join us for a FUN-FILLED day, as you create whatever you’d like PLUS receive all of these extra goodies!
There will be TWO ways you can join us that day:
© Come for the DAY!!! Join us from 9am-9pm!! Bring your supplies & come create, get caught up on scrapbooking, cards, etc….and learn MORE about the new Holiday Expressions goodies too! Details when you plan to join us the entire day. J
o Please bring a food item to share
. This could be “part” of your lunch”…bring a sandwich or something for your main course, and eat these goodies for the rest of your lunch.
o For dinner - I will be making a taco soup to go along with the brought items for our evening meal.
o To help cover the rental fee of the building there will be a $12 cost
o There will be a make n take for you to participate in.
o and…items listed below. J
© OR – stop on over, anytime between 9:30am-8pm to participate in this MINI open house!! This open house will be on a bit smaller scale than what I usually have at my home, and will be a time to come SEE new goodies. I won’t have a lot of my cash & carry along – so if there is something you are looking for (retired item, ink pad color, cardstock color, etc) please contact me ahead of time, and I will gladly bring it along.
Items included in this “mini” Open House...
o Get a FREE Holiday Expressions for attending!
o Check out the NEW goodies displayed
o Door prize drawing
o MORE details are in the works J….stay tuned to your email for updates!
Join us at 529 E. Farmersville Rd, New Holland, PA. Can’t WAIT for our crafty time together! J
I’m excited to be able to hold this event, in the Lancaster County area – I hope many of you can join me to come SEE what’s NEW at CTMH!! They have created BEAUTIFUL new goodies, and BUNCHES of Christmas Stamp sets too!!
Join me as I “finish” my CELEBRATION SALES events, as we celebrate my 10 years as a Close To My Heart Consultant! J
I hope to see you there!!
Please RSVP by Sept 8th
Blessing for a WONDERFUL week!!
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Blessings to you for a BEAUTIFUL day! :)