Showing posts with label #ctmhfundamentals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ctmhfundamentals. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

“Through the Year”–Calendar Workshop

“Through the Year” 12x12 Calendar Workshop
Monday, Dec 4th @ 9:15 am AND
Thursday, Dec 7th @ 6:45 pm
@ my home in Elverson
RSVP by Mon, Nov 20th 

Close To My Heart has released a BEAUTIFUL workshop just in time for the Christmas giving season!!

I know calendars, with pictures of people I know & cherish, are a WONDERFUL gift…a  loving, thoughtful & caring gift! J

What better way to express your love by giving them a completed calendar OR….This calendar, given without photos, would be a WONDERFUL gift for ANYONE too!! J

We will be completing this calendar at my upcoming classes - HOWEVER....instructions ARE INCLUDED in this kit - so you CAN create this yourself, on your own schedule!! J
(customers can purchase this collection beginning Dec 1st!) 

This exclusive “Through the Year Calendar kit “is prepared with beautiful items, & ready for you to create this 2018 calendar!

The kit includes…

©       My Creations 12x12 Calendar

©       papers

©       Complements

©       pack of glitter gems

©       custom gold glitter die-cuts

— AND it is available at a 20% discount!
ONLY  $38.95!! ( retail value $50.02)

This kit is not available to customers until December 1, but YOU can attend my December 4th or 7th workshop and have your kit EARLY when you pay for my workshop by November 20th. J  


To Create the calendar EXACTLY as it’s shown – you will need some ADDITIONAL ITEMS.

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apr - june 22450114_10155675056765429_4011689890571053856_n

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Additional items needed to complete the kit:

**S1711 November SOTM - Through the Year

B1484 Jennifer's Hand Stamp Set

Z2826 Heather Exclusive Inks™ Stamp Pad

1385 White Daisy Cardstock

Y1000 1" x 1" My Acrylix® Block

Y1002 1" x 3 1/2" My Acrylix® Block

Z2060 Thin 3-D Foam Tape

Z553 Bonding Memories™ Dual Action Glue Pen

Z3372 Adhesive Runner

**REMINDER - The November Stamp of the Month is only available in November. You will NEED this stamp for the Calendar Kit. Place a $50 order in November and get it for just $5 or pay full price for it in December with your kit.
2017-11 through the year 17fd0a0b-5777-49ff-a267-b3609ae76b03 MY INFO
Beginning Dec 1st….the Calendar Kit can be purchased by ANYONE  in two different ways!!

Calendar Kit without the November Stamp of the Month:     $38.95

Calendar Kit WITH the Nov. Stamp of the Month:$56.90

To create these beautiful calendar pages, we have used the November Stamp Of the Month & Jennifer’s Hand Alphabet stamp set.

2017-12 through the year workshop - MY INFO 22885768_10214621315515239_3912642393465348370_nWhile this workshop is taking place in December, when you order this kit (through me) EARLY for the workshop, you will be able to get this Nov SOTM for just $5 with your $50 CTMH purchase!
you can order OTHER CTMH goodies too (other than the calendar kit), & when you reach the $50 mark – that November SOTM stamp set, alwaysturns into” that $5 special. J

Here are your WORKSHOP Kit options!!

“Workshop BASIC  kit”
 Through the Year Calendar Kit, which includes: 
©       My Creations 12x12 Calendar
©       papers
©       Complements
©       pack of glitter gems

©       custom gold glitter die-cuts
ONLY  $38.95!! ( plus shipping & tax)
“Workshop BETTER  kit”
Through the Year Calendar Kit (contents listed above)
Pack of Thin 3D foam tape
ONLY  $44.90!! ( plus shipping & tax)

“Workshop BEST  kit”
Purchase these items...
©       Through the Year Calendar Kit (contents listed above)
©       B1484 Jennifer's Hand Alphabet Stamp
©       S1711 November Stamp of the Month - Through the Year
ONLY  $53.90!! ( plus shipping & tax)
PLUS.....get the Heather Ink Pad, needed for the workshop for FREE when you purchase this BEST kit! J ($9.10 value)
heather ink pad f14fea5c-c295-4119-b61c-5197bd2d0228

-----At the workshop class, I will guide you through the cutting guide & assist in assembling the pages.  If you don't finish all pages you will have your own stamp set and ink needed to complete on your own! Yay!!

Contact me & let me know WHICH class you are interested in & feel free to invite friends to make it a Girls Day/Night out!!  Minimum attendance must be 4 people.

Then please mail me a check no later than November 22nd.

These make great Christmas gifts!!christmas gift holiday-clip-art-for-microsoft-outlook-clipart-panda-free-clipart-7EE5SZ-clipart 

If you want to purchase more than one calendar kit add $46 for each additional calendar kit you order.  These kits will not include the extra White Daisy Cardstock, ink pad or stamp sets.

Please contact me with any questions! J J  I look forward to crafting with you!!


Krista Hershberger 
 CTMH Independent Consultant
Celebrating 11 years with Close To My Heart!!
Beautiful, quality products for ALL of your Scrapbooking, Stamping & Papercrafting needs!

krista - me - convention - team leader - create 4 him DSC_0574
Call/Text: 610-587-9116


Ask to JOIN my CTMH VIP facebook group..

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Adventure Fundamentals Scrapbooking Class in September

Join me at this month’s Scrapbooking Workshop! Smile 

***Adventure Fundamentals Scrapbooking Class
Monday, Sept 26 @ 6:45 pm @ my home
RSVP by Mon, Sept 12th

This class begins our NEW HOSTESS CLUB!!!   However – you are STILL welcome to attend class, even if you aren’t apart of the monthly club – we’d LOVE to have you!! 

For September’s Scrapbook class, I have created this workshop!  We will be using the NEW Adventure Fundamentals collection & will be creating (3) 2 page layouts.  For a FUN addition this month, we will also be doing some stamping! 

Layout 1 is shown above….the “Little Moments” layout is a FUN one – using a all NEW colors – but becoming a fast, favorite color of mine is the new Tangerine color. 
adventure fundamentals - scrapbooking - workshop - DSC_2559

This flower stamp set we'll be using is a NEW one called D1705 “With You” and is one that I know I’ll use quite often!

Here is Layout 2….and there are some FUN aspects to this layout.
adventure fundamentals - layout - magic - pull out journaling DSC_2563

We’ll be using a NEW Pocket Plus page….this is the back side of the page here…
2016-9 adventure layout 2 - inside pocket plus 20160822_230759[1]
AND take a look at this PULL out journaling tab on this 2nd layout! Smile 

2016-9 adventure fundamental - layout 2 - cu journaling tab 20160822_230812[1]

Here is a list of items that are part of this month’s kit...

Adventure Fundamentals Kit Contents:
*1/2 Pack Adventure Paper Fundamentals
*Full pack Adventure Complements
*Adventure Ribbon (1 yard each of all four ribbons)
*(1) 4x6 Pocket Plus Memory Protector, Design 1
*4 sheets White cardstock
*1 Resealable bag (to hold everything)

Featured Colors: Pansy, Lagoon, Emerald, Willow, Lemon, Tangerine, Blossom, Raspberry & Cranberry 

The cost of this kit, which includes shipping comes to $34.33…and I will be ordering all the needed supplies - so please contact me to let me know you'll be joining us! :) 

Hostess Club_ mat_picmonkeyEach month the Hostess Club members are required to purchase the minimum amount of $30 (prior to shipping & tax). The reason being, whoever is hostess that month is GUARANTEED to have $180 in sales – just from her friends in Hostess Club! :)  Wahoo!!!

  Than it’s up to her, if she would like to try and get outside orders as well to increase her sales – therefore increasing her Hostess REWARDS too! 

Please BRING TO CLASS: the “normal” papercrafting items, including your paper trimmer, scissors, adhesive (a variety of kinds- foam tape, glue dots, tape runner, etc)


Here is the 3rd layout we’ll be creating this evening....yes we'll be creating 3 sets of layouts, plus doing some stamping & having fun using the NEW Pocket Plus protector too!  It's all included in this month's kit! :) 
adventure fundamentals - hello - beckie l - DSC_2570

The original layout was designed by fellow consultant, Beckie Lehman, and then I added in some of my own personal touches. 

ANYONE is welcome to come to the class, even if you are not a part of my Hostess Club. J  Please RSVP by Sept 12th  & double check that we still have room for you to join us & to make sure that I will ORDER a kit for you!   

Join us this night, to see & learn what Workshop class is all about!  This will also help you see what the Hostess Club night is all about! 

I’d LOVE to answer any questions you have, please contact me!  Please RSVP by Fri Sept 12th   Seating is limited.

Please TAKE NOTE of the following dates that I have scheduled for upcoming workshop classes! 

WEDNESDAY, Sept 28th at 1:30pm 24 card THANK YOU Card Workshop

TUESDAY, Oct 18th at 6:45pm – Swan Lake Workshop Your Way (WYW) Scrapbooking Class

TUESDAY, Nov 22nd at 6:45 pm- CITY SIDEWALKS WYW Class
MONDAY, Dec 19th at 6:45pm – OH DEER! WYW Scrapbooking Class

*****SAVE these DATES above...and stay tuned for MORE info regarding these classes! :) 
You can ALWAYS check out my "Upcoming Events" section on my blog to learn the details. :) I look forward to crafting with you soon! :) 

Blessings to you for a WONDERFUL day!
Krista Hershberger 

your Close To My Heart Independent Consultant
Celebrating 10 years with Close To My Heart!
The perfect place for ALL of your Scrapbooking, Stamping, & Papercrafting Needs!
ADDRESS: 359 Warwick Road , Elverson , PA 19520
PHONE/TEXT: 610-587-9116
Join my Maling list & view latest newsletter: CLICK HERE
2016-9 facebook logo - collage PicMonkey Image