Showing posts with label FAb Four. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAb Four. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

April Specials at Close To My Heart–Fab Four

2018-4 Fab Four sign - picmonkeyWhat an AMAZING month here at CTMH, and I can’t WAIT to share these Fabulous SPECIALS with you!!
There is something for EVERYONE this month!

Check out the Fab FOUR Specials below!!!!

WOW….it’s a GREAT deal!!!  When you join our CTMH Team this month, you will receive the Upcoming Stamp of the Months (4 of them) for FREE – a $71 value!!  AND…as a current consultant, I can’t even get these yet….YAY YOU!!

2018-4 Fab Four - stamp of the months - 4

Why sign up in APRIL?
You can see the MANY perks of being a consultant in this photo below…..but let me share a few MORE “lovelys” of being on my CTMH team!!

2018-4-cc-fab-four Sign Up special - my info - picmonkey
**as a team leader, I’m here to help YOU!! I have some extra goodies for you when you place your first $150 order as a NEW Consultant!

2018-3 Team Retreat at NCMF DSC_0031**We have TEAM retreats – 2 day event just for us to create & talk CTMH if we choose.
We have monthly team meetings – some in person, some in a conference call, and other events throughout the year! 
We always have our Team FB page available for questions, ideas, sharing artwork, etc, and  I email updates to everyone quite often. Smile

**never-ending ABUNDANCE of workshop printouts, ideas, etc from CTMH Home Office! You can use them for your personal use OR use them to hold a class or workshop for your friends!

SE2 Idea Book 3fbdfd4e-2465-4620-9668-038aaf37a071**EARLY PREVIEW of new goodies!! Right now, we have access to the Seasonal Expression 2(SE2) mini book, due to be released to our customers on May 1st.

**Turn this into a part-time or full-time job & earn extra income!!  This was not my intent, when I signed up almost 12 years ago, Smile…however, I have been blessed abundantly in products, trips, extra cash and more!

Learn MORE details....
Join our CTMH Family now....

Have you been with CTMH in the past, and would like to join our Papercrafting family again?
All Former CTMH Consultants – this Month ONLY – join the CTMH family for ONLY $50 and receive….
2018-4-cc-fab-four SOTM**$50  CTMH Cash directly upon signing up…
**Four Upcoming Stamp of the Month Stamp sets!!
It’s like signing up for FREE…plus getting those stamp sets (worth $71) as an ADDITIONAL freebie!! Wahoo!!

clock- times upSET your timers for EVERY Friday in April!!!  AT 2pm EST, there will be a 24 hour website ONLY SALE!! 
All items will be 25% off and will ONLY be available that day! Winking smile I can’t WAIT to see what these goodies will be (nope, I don’t know either!)

Join me for the FIRST SALEon Friday, April 6th…and then make sure to come back to my website to see what NEW goodies are available each & every Friday in April! Smile 
2018-4 Fab Favs SALE my info

2016-10- hostess rewards-class-us_caIf you love the quality, CTMH products as much as I do Winking smile…you may want to consider having a gathering – especially after you see THIS Month’s BONUS deal for our Hostesses!!

During April 2018 – host a book, online, catalog, in-home party of $350 or MORE & you get to choose one of the CUT ABOVE products below in ADDITION to the goodies you already receive!
2018-4 Hostess Special - Cut Above my info
Contact me today, and we’ll get your Party scheduled so YOU can get these BEAUTIFUL Free goodies!!

APRIL Stamp of the Month
Each month we have a Special STAMP set that is only available this month too!!  April’s Stamp of the Month is called “Color Your Life” and it can be yours for ONLY $5 with every $50 purchase you make in April! Smile 
2018-4 Color Your Life April SOTM my info 5b186004-c49f-4b63-a1c7-027a9ec13a77
Thanks for joining me today, and please just give a shout if you have ANY questions at all!!

Blessings to each of you!
Krista Hershberger
krista - me - convention - leader of team DSC_0575Close To My Heart Independent Consultant

Celebrating 11 1/2 years with Close To My Heart!

The perfect place for ALL of your Scrapbooking, Stamping, & Papercrafting Needs!

PHONE/TEXT: 610-587-9116

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